I’m a little stuck. Here’s how things look now.


The wall is ready to be rebuilt, but I need to replace that window before I do anything. I looked at it for a long time and couldn’t find any way to simply take it out. I was thinking that I was going to have to get a sledgehammer and just start breaking it up. I talked to Mickey about it and he thought I should be able to get it out without brute force, so I took another look.

After much messing around, I did get the moving parts of the window out, but I’m pretty sure that I just disassembled the window. As far as I can tell, the frame was attached to the house with concrete. So here’s where it stands.


Here’s a closeup.

Since I was stuck, I was looking for something else to work on until I figured it out and noticed that the bricks used to fill in the older hole for the window had some large-ish holes between them. I have some mortar at the house and decided to see if I could patch them. So I did. And put my initials in the concrete around the window.


And last week, when I had done all of this, was incredibly hot, so I wanted to cover the hole in the house a little to keep the temperature acceptable. So I covered it with some extra insulation I had laying around. And yes, that is foil tape holding the insulation up. It was the only tape I could find.

That’s where I am. I’m really hoping Mickey drops by this weekend because I’m stuck and need some help.