My employer has deemed that I can no longer accumulate any more vacation days until I use some. So, I’m off today and tomorrow. Today was a pretty good day. I filled my entire recycling bin with paper that I shredded. And still have a couple of more bags to put out. I even bought a new shredder to help me since this is a job that I had been putting off for years. And by getting rid of the paper, I made a dent in cleaning up my bedroom. Now I just need to start going through old computer equipment and recycling that.

House-wise, I started on hanging insulation. I put up most of the easy pieces. The next job will be more cutting because the spaces aren’t standard sizes. I also found a couple of places that I need to install some wood so we have something to hang the drywall on. Those two jobs will be next. Then, the last things are just to drill the hole for the vent for the oven hood. I’m going to have to rent something to drill through the brick. And I need to finish the heating duct in the kitchen and finish running some pvc pipe to the second floor for my networking stuff.

It’s looking good!
