I just realized that this website has been down. I’m not sure how long that’s been true. Probably since I had to reboot after the last round of updates I installed. Is it a big deal to me? Nope.

Of late, I haven’t been posting much here. That is not to say that I haven’t been writing or trying to learn new things. I’ve gone full force into writing in my physical journal. For about a month now, I’ve even been scheduling some time each weekend at my local coffee shop. Each Saturday and Sunday, I head there and get a small vanilla latte. Then, I write for a bit in my journal and read a chapter or two of a book. I find this very relaxing, which is a nice balance for days I don’t go to work. And I like setting aside some time to just sit and think. I think it’s definitely helping with my overall happiness. I also am liking the feeling of physically writing things down, much more than I enjoy typing in this blog. Perhaps that’s because I’m on my laptop so much at work during the week. So having some non-digital or non-screen time is quite enjoyable.

This now leads me to think of what I want this blog to be. I’ll have to think about this next week when I’m back at the coffee shop.