I have a wufoo form that I’m using and I want to automatically see the results on a webpage. One of the hangups of this process is that I can’t put any script on the webserver. But what I can do is embed an iframe. So I could download the information that I wanted from my form to another server and then display that page in the iframe. My question was what to run on my second server, which I’m going to call my results server. All it really needed to do was get the results and then show them. So using a ruby on rails app for this seemed to be overkill. After reading about it, sinatra seemed to be the perfect fit. I could still use ruby and just show the results I wanted. This seemed to be the perfect project to test out sinatra.

The only gems that I needed were sinatra and wuparty. Wuparty is a gem specifically written for wufoo. I installed it with gem install and found that it didn’t install correctly. I looked at the source code on git and saw that everything except the /lib/wuparty/* files got installed. If I knew how to use git better, I’d submit a ticket. But it was easy for me to just fix manually.

Anyway, ignoring all the files I need to deploy or set things up, here’s what I needed.

source ‘https://rubygems.org’
git_source(:github) { |repo| “https://github.com/#{repo}.git” }</p>

ruby '>= 2.5.0'

gem 'wuparty' # For using wufoo API
gem 'capistrano' # For deployment
gem 'rake', '12.3.2'
gem 'rack', '2.0.7'
gem 'sinatra', '2.0.5'
` config.ru `
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
require File.expand_path '../display_results.rb', __FILE__

run Sinatra::Application
` entry.rb (this is where I define which fields are for what) `
Entry = Struct.new(:firstname, :lastname, :institution, :attending, :guestfirstname, :guestlastname, :guestattending)

module Entries


if __FILE__ == $0
x = Entry.new('George', "Washington", "White House", "Dinner and Talks", "Martha", "Washington", "Dinner").to_h
puts x[:firstname]
` display_results.rb ``
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
require 'wuparty'
require_relative 'entry'

config = YAML.load_file("config/wufoo.yml")
account = config["ACCOUNT"]
api_key = config["API_KEY"]

get '/results.html' do
erb `cat public/results.html`, layout: false

post '/results' do
@entries = []
wufoo = WuParty.new(account, api_key)
form = wufoo.form('FormName')
count = form.count.to_i
pageSize = 100
times = (count / pageSize).to_i
(0..times).each do |l|
form.entries(limit: pageSize, pageSize: pageSize, pageStart: (pageSize * l)).each do |e|
@entries << Entry.new(e["Field1"], e["Field2"], e["Field4"], e["Field6"], e["Field215"], e["Field216"], e["Field218"]).to_h
output = erb :'results.html'
File.open("public/results.html", "w") do |f|
`` That’s basically it. It’s really simple, but does exactly what I want it to do. And wufoo has webhooks that you can set up. I use those to send a post request each time someone signs up. This post request generates a new results.html file for me. And that’s the file that I put in an iframe on the website where I’m very limited in what I can do. I store a few things in a config file that I don’t want to store in my repo. This is pretty simple, that I’m pretty sure it would be easy for me to add another get/post combo for another wufoo form when I add it. This was a fun project and I like being able to set up sinatra to handle simple things like this. Rails would have been overkill here.