My apps tend to just be electronic sign-up sheets for various events. There’s no way we’re going to pay for an SSL certificate for a site that will probably be up for a month or two, at most. However, we do require people administering the page to login, which means passwords which need to be encrypted. That’s really all I care about encrypting, not the entire site. So, my somewhat simple solution is:

if Rails.env.production?
    scope :protocol => 'https://', :constraints => { :protocol => 'https://' } do
      get "user_sessions/new"
      post "user_sessions/create"
      delete "user_sessions/destroy"
      match 'login' => 'user_sessions#new'
      match 'logout' => 'user_sessions#destroy'
    get "user_sessions/new"
    post "user_sessions/create"
    delete "user_sessions/destroy"    
    match 'login' => 'user_sessions#new'
    match 'logout' => 'user_sessions#destroy'

I only want to encrypt the login routes on production. I don’t have https running on my laptop and I’m not worried about my traffic being unencrypted there, so I don’t want to use it on my laptop. The other nice thing is if someone tries to just type in on my production server, it’ll throw up an error, which is fine with me. I could try to match those urls and redirect them to https, but I really don’t care. As long as they can’t send their password unencrypted, I’m happy.