Fixing Carriage Return/New Line Problems
Sometimes if I open a text file in vi, the text shows up like this:
Title,Firstname,Lastname^MDr.,George,Washginton^MMr. ,John,Adams^MSenor,Thomas,Jefferson^MMr.,James,Monroe^MSenator,James,Madison^MSir,John Q,Adams
Those ^M characters should actually be returns. To fix this, run:
The ^M in the command above is actually typed by pressing Control-V, Control-M.
After running the command, the text file looks as it should.
Title,Firstname,Lastname Dr.,George,Washginton Mr. ,John,Adams Senor,Thomas,Jefferson Mr.,James,Monroe Senator,James,Madison Sir,John Q,Adams
If I don’t want to open the file in vi to fix it, I can fix it on the command line with:
$ tr '\r' '\n' < test.csv > x