Clamps, clamps and more clamps
One thing I have learned is that you can’t have too many clamps. I basically had enough to work on one board at a time, which means I’d have to wait for one board to dry before doing another one. Since I’m hoping to eventually build something in my lifetime, that was too slow. So I went to the store and bought another eight clamps. I seem to need 7-8 clamps per board. Now I can work on two at a time. Pictured below are the boards that I’d like to use for the sides of the bookcase I want to build. One is basically done and the other needs some more lathe. I’m out of what I’ve already sanded, so it will have to wait until I prep more boards.
I was trying to make these boards 12″ wide and 5′ long. The one in front is around 11 1/4″ wide and I think that’s probably good. The more I looked at it, I was thinking that might be too wide. But I think it should work out ok. My plan is basically to just build a box that’s 5′ tall and 3′ wide. And then put two or three shelves in it. I was going to put a back on it, but I keep changing my mind on that. I guess it will depend on how it looks as it comes together.