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John and Paul were drywalling machines!

They got the stuff on the ceiling in no time.

Mark made a lot of the measurements and cut the drywall while John and Paul were screwing it to the ceiling and walls. He also checked all the walls I built to make sure there were places to screw the drywall in.

Jack helped out by cutting small pieces of wood to screw drywalll in to and by drilling a hole in the floor for a place to run an ethernet cable.

View of Jack checking for level on the closet wall from the "new" window in the bathroom looking into the bedroom. (This window was the result of taking the medicine cabinet down.)

Ahhhh, drywall.

The last piece before we ran out of screws.

Nice work around the window

Looking into my room.

My "new" closet is behind that wall

The inside of my closet

The rest of the room as seen from the closet

End of Day 3 of drywalling when all the big pieces are up.

Shot of finished closet

The room actually has walls!

After first coat of drywall tape

Everything is taped except for the little window because I'm not sure how to fix that