2014 House

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There is an insane amount of materials in my house.

I don't have a drill that large, so I'm drilling a lot of little holes to make the big hole.

That took an absurd amount of time and I never want to do it again.

Doesn't look that circular on the outside of the house.

Happy the vent fit!

Stuffed as much concrete around it as I could to hopefully not leave any holes

Last look before drywalling begins

Cabinets ready to be assembled

Cindy and Annie take over assembling the cabinets

One piece in. Yay!

Janet, Mary and John. Great teamwork!

Annie and Cindy were ikea professionals

Janet putting in screws while Mary and John cut out the window

Annie was so dedicated she spilled blood!

Me slowly measuring a hole to cut

Janet and John were on fire

Hammering skills in action!

Mark making some measurements