Today, I started a new ruby on rails website for a workshop. It’s a very basic site that just handles registrations and redirects people to the credit card processor that we use. This is the main type of website that I write in rails and it’s probably my tenth site that I’ve written for this purpose. Previously, I had always used scaffolding in rails and then deleted the stuff that I didn’t need. This time, I made a conscious choice to not use any scaffolding and instead generate my own controllers and models. I’m happy to say that I didn’t have any real problems. So I’m thinking that I’m no longer a complete beginner with rails. I might even go so far as to say I’m an intermediate rails programmer. Which means it’s time for me to start advancing some more. I found this website and was thinking of signing up for the prime program. The intermediate ruby on rails workshop looks pretty interesting. Though, after reading the syllabus, I’m thinking that perhaps I was at intermediate level a while ago. In the listing of things that they plan to cover, I already know a few:

  • Starting an application
  • File uploads with Paperclip
  • Implementing search–I use the ransack gem
  • Adding paging

But the rest look good. I’d be really happy if they taught how to write tests, since that’s where I’m weakest now.

Anyway, I had a pretty good day today and am feeling good about how I’m progressing. I wouldn’t call myself a programmer, but I’m definitely getting better at using it as a tool. I feel like going back and looking at some of my notebooks from a couple of years ago to see how much I’ve improved since then.