I got a lot done today. But pulling up floor boards is hard on my back. And by around lunchtime, I knew I was done for the day. I got most of the room done and generated a large amount of garbage, which is basically how I measure how much I worked.

The part of the floor that was under the sink was the most difficult, since it had a lot of shims to level out the slope in the floor. Here’s a look at what I was pulling up.


Once I had the sloped part of the floor done, things were a bit easier. Here’s how things looked when I finally called it a day.


Depending on how my back feels, I might be able to pull the rest of the floor up tomorrow. If not, I can get to it later in the week. The bad news is that with the holiday this week, I’m not sure when they’ll pick up my garbage. So all the bags I filled might be on the back porch for a while.